• What is the Difference Between a Bolt, a Screw and a Stud?

    What is the Difference Between a Bolt, a Screw and a Stud?

    We as engineers get hung up on technical arguments that are not technical at all. Bolts, screws and studs, what’s the cutoff where one stops being a screw and becomes a bolt? It’s more a matter of their function, rather … Continued

  • Why glass transmits light and walls don’t?

    Why glass transmits light and walls don’t?

    Glass, quartz, sapphire, acrylic do not absorb much of the light because there are no free electrons in these typically transparent materials. Thus, no interference between electrons of the material and the photons of the passing light. Light transmission is … Continued

  • Sight Glass Development Thinking

    Sight Glass Development Thinking

    We’ve manufactured hundreds of sight glass products customized to fit an application. And it gets more exciting with every new challenge, the customer applications are getting more interesting. In one particular application the challenge is to design a sight window … Continued